Monday, June 6, 2016

Has the UK Government Lost its Mind? “Conspiracy Theorists” To Be Sent to Retraining Camps

We Are Change


It seems the UK government has officially turned into Big Brother.

Recently, the UK government passed a shocking piece of legislation –  a “hate speech” law that prohibits “hate speech” on social media and carries a sentencing of  “re-education camps” for offenders. The re-education camps were proposed in the US and circulated by an online manual,
but now the UK has actually activated them.

So who defines what is and isn’t hate speech? Is someone’s personal opinion about a politician hate speech or is it free speech?


Is it someone’s “opinion” that Downing Street bureucrats forged academic papers about WMDs to fraudulently invade and go to war with Iraq  – or is it hate speech?

On top of that, Tony Blair and Bush talked about going to war with Iraq an entire year prior to the invasion – or is that hate speech?

According to the new legislation, conspiracy theories are a form of hate speech. So holding our government accountable for its asinine behavior is now hate speech punishable by law in the UK. What happened to the duty to keep tyranny in check? To make sure fascist laws like this don’t pass?

In another display of outright insanity the UK government in 2013 wanted to completely ban pornography under the pretense that it would better protect children. Hold on this is the same UK government that is embroiled in accusations of  pedophilia in Parliament right? Interestingly enough, David Cameron’s aide Patrick Rock who had this brilliant idea to protect children was arrested for indecent images of children and child pornography. This bill to ban pornography was also nicely wrapped with a secret snuck in passage to “ban conspiracy theories.”  Most bills usually have some legislation hidden in the piles of pages that most lawmakers in the US and UK never bother to read. This is seen by US Congressman Stephen Cohen’s reaction to Jesse Ventura’s Question about the “residential centers” and the FEMA bill text in HR645.

Cohen first continuously denies knowing anything about the bill making jokes about aliens, then he says,  “Oh yes I remember now those camps are for emergency situations like Katrina I think that’s what it is.”

Jessie goes on to say speaking to the viewer:

“You think that’s what it is? You can see how things work in Washington, Congressmen sponsor bills because they are told to or they get money for their district.  If we speak out maybe next time we can talk to our leaders before they sign on the dotted line.”

This is just one of several available examples of Congressmen not reading a bill and sponsoring or co-sponsoring a bill. Even recently, Congressman x admitted he never reads bills he votes on. That is exactly why we need to get rid of lobbying and why it should be viewed as legal bribery.

Back in 2014, Cameron made a little speech about how conspiracy theories fuel extremist violence. I wonder how much research David Cameron did on these so called “conspiracy theories?”

Has Mr. Cameron, who said “We Need a New World Order,” disavowed Agenda 21? Agenda 21 is an overthrow of an elected government similar to how Prescott Bush tried to overthrow FDR as warned by General Smedley Butler? Prescott Bush, the Bush dynasty father, also funded Hitler. His bank was tied to funding the Nazis. So maybe these are the psychopaths who should be in the dissident camps?

If you ever care to pick up a book or read and research, Mr. Cameron, Mossad is documented deliberately blowing up the USS Liberty , the US chiefs of Staff are Documented wanting to fly planes into buildings, and shoot civilians in Falseflag operations to go to war with Cuba – look up Operation Northwoods . Which John F. Kennedy Stopped and fired Army Chief of Staff George Decker and General Lyman L. Lemnitzer  and appointed General Earle Wheeler and General Maxwell D. Taylor.

NATO is another documented agency running a Falseflag called Operation Gladio killing innocent civilians over the years.  You would be insulting our intelligence if you said otherwise and wanted us to forget about such horrific historical actions because there may be as you call them “Conspiracy Theories,” but there are also very well document-able events that are bonifiable Facts.

So if you want the trust of the people I suggest you start answering and not dodging the hard questions like admitting you are a tax evading criminal. If its criminal for citizens to
evade taxes its criminal for you to horde money in an offshore account. Oh and no Mr. Cameron, this isn’t hate speech its advice, any government that opts to put its citizens in any form of a camp is a hair away from being the next Nazi SS regime and a dictatorship.

We already had a dictator named Hitler we don’t need a second Hitler. Maybe your Mama never taught you the saying but i think this ought to be taught in the UK, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

Words are not missiles Mr. Cameron, words do not cause violent extremism, failed government foreign policy in the middle east is what causes violent extremism.

David Cameron’s quoted as saying:

“We must defeat this Ideology in all its forms, as evidence emerges of backgrounds of those convicted of terrorist offenses, its clear that many of them were influenced by preachers who claim not to encourage violence but who’s world view can be used as a justification for it.
We know this world view, the peddling of lies that 911 was somehow a Jewish plot or that the 7/7 London attacks were staged.

The idea that Muslims are prosecuted all over the world as a deliberate act of western policy.  We must be clear to defeat the ideology of extremism we need to deal with all forms of extremism not just violent extremism.  For governments there are some obvious ways to do this, we must ban preachers of hate from coming to our countries, we must proscribe organizations that incite terrorism at home and abroad.
We must work together to take down illegal online material like the recent video’s of Isil murdering hostages, and we must stop the so called non-violent extremist from inciting hatred and intolerance in our schools, university’s and yes even our prisons.
Of course some would argue that this is not compatible with free speech and intellectual inquiry.”

Well now David Cameron got his wish, as conspiracy theorists who deny the Holocaust, can be imprisoned. I don’t deny the Holocaust personally (I think that it happened but the death count was exaggerated), but I also feel its absolute hypocrisy that people who deny the Holocaust are being sent to a “Dissident re-training camp” which is a nice way of saying concentration camp when that’s where Jewish people were sent to die. Also who wrote such an insane piece of legislation? Why does it seem to be focused on Judaism? Do the same rules apply for the Zionist, who’s world view is everyone but them are inferior and that even fellow Jewish people are expendable? Calling out blatant Zionism isn’t anti-Semitism, if anything the Zionists are
the anti-semitics.

cia img zionist

In Fact, this Cabal has already made it self known, through you Mr. Cameron you said
“Conspiracy theories of a powerful Jewish cabal or a Western plan to destroy Islam must be challenged in efforts to counter radicalization”

Why would you say that? Very strange choice of words suspicious indeed, I don’t think there is a Jewish cabal or western plan to destroy Islam more so an elite mafia of Zionist gangsters who
want to control the world.

I hope these Internment Camps have bottom and top bunks! Will there be forced vaccination centers for all the disobeying plebians?

The new bill making speech a hate crime is below. Watch what you say – the Internet police might show up at your door for that next tweet or social media post – they have already
arrested dozens of people in London.

The Section about imprisoning conspiracy theorist and government dissidents is below, you can read the full text of the legislation here .

Now the EU has proposed issuing a bio-metric Government ID to Use the Internet and travel within the EU, use national health insurance, Access bank accounts, Take public transportation and even vote. This is the New World Order folks its time to fight back or bow down to the tyranny your rights are vanishing first they came for Europe then it was America and it
was too late..

“Section 7. Penal Sanctions

(a) The following acts will be regarded as criminal offences punishable as aggravated crimes:

(i) Hate crimes as defined in Section 1(c).

(ii) Incitement to violence against a group as defined in Section 1(a).

(iii) Group libel as defined in Section 1(b).

(iv) Overt approval of a totalitarian ideology, xenophobia or anti-Semitism.

(v) Public approval or denial of the Holocaust.

(vi) Public approval or denial of any other act of genocide the existence of which has been determined by an international criminal court or tribunal.

(b)Juveniles convicted of committing crimes listed in paragraph (a) will be required to undergo a rehabilitation programme designed to instill in them a culture of tolerance.

(iv) Overt approval of a totalitarian ideology, xenophobia or anti-Semitism.

(v) Public approval or denial of the Holocaust.”

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